Etymology: From Latin palus (ā€œswampā€) + cultÅ«ra (ā€œcultivation, agricultureā€).

There is considerable potential and a range of options for paludiculture to contribute to reducing high GHG emissions from cultivated lowland peats. It does not yet offer an economically viable large-scale alternative to conventional agriculture but could become a significant component of lower-emitting lowland peat landscapes in the future. 

Policy briefing note

This briefing note summarises the findings of a desk-based study undertaken for Defra as part of Project SP1218: Managing agricultural systems on lowland peat for reduced GHG emissions.

A literature review was carried out for both UK and international work to assess the potential for diversification of unproductive land for ā€˜paludicultureā€™. Paludiculture was defined as farming and agroforestry systems designed to generate a commercial crop from wetland conditions using species that are typical of (or tolerant of) wetland habitats. Wetland potential for greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation, environmental cobenefits and the identification of barriers to the uptake of land use change provide a contextual framework for agri-environment-climate protection schemes and potential adoption by farmers.

An Assessment of the Potential for Paludiculture in England And Wales (April 2021)

Policy brief WP1

The briefing note summarises key findings, issues and benefits of paludiculture, options for diversifying through paludiculture, barriers and opportunities and recommendations. 

See Reports and Outputs for more details on findings in the project.